View Event List

Utilities -> Scheduler


Sometimes you'll want to view a list of appointments rather than a graphic representation of the schedule. A listing is especially helpful when patients inquire about the time and date of their next appointment. Rather than scrolling through the patient’s schedule and looking for the event, tell the system to display the Event Listing form at: File -> View Event List (or clicking the icon on the top of the form).


To display events for the currently selected resource(s), enter the start and stop dates, and hit the refresh button to the right.


The colors of each row will alternate from black to blue. However, if an event is linked to multiple patients or staff members, it may display in the list multiple times. You will know it is a single event with multiple linked resources rather than conflicting entries because all the rows will be displayed in the same color next to each other rather than alternating each row.


Note: When viewing the event list for a client or staff, you will see the  icon near the top right of the form. Clicking this button will show the displayed information in a report format.

