Other Features

Here are other options you find in the File Menu:



To print a graphical schedule like you see on your screen, go to File -> Print Schedule.


Print Preview

To preview what the printed schedule will look like before actually printing it, go to File -> Print Preview.


Staff Appointment Listing

Select this option to view a report of all non-personal events broken down by day and grouped by Staff member. Only staff who have granted you at least view permission to their schedule will be displayed on this report.


Client Appointment Listing

Select this option to view a report of all events grouped by client.


Scheduler Face Sheet

Select this option to view a report of all events listed as type Appointment, broken down by Staff member, and grouped by day. Clerical staff and administrators can run this report for all staff members, other users can only run it on their own scheduling data.


Clinician Appointments by Event Type

Select this option to view a report of all events listed as type Appointment, grouped first by Staff member, then by Event Type. While clerical staff and administrators can run this report for all staff members, other users can only run it on their own scheduling data.


Travel Time and Distance Tracking

Select this option to view a report of all events listed as type Appointment that have an entry in the time or distance fields. When you run the report, you will be prompted to enter reimbursement rates ($ per mile and $ per hour). The report will total the time and distance traveled per staff member, and then use the supplied figures to calculate reimbursement rates. If you don’t wish to calculate reimbursement information, leave the rates as zero. Clerical staff and administrators can run this report for all staff members; other users can only run it on their own scheduling data.


Events Without Linked Staff

Select this option to view a report of all events recorded without a linked Staff member.


Audit Schedule Viewing

Select this option to see any staff members who have viewed your schedule in the past 60 days.


View Scheduler Archive

To improve performance of the Scheduler, data is periodically moved to an archive. The View Scheduler Archive option will let you view the archived data. In archive mode, schedule data is read-only and cannot be modified. All reports run while in Archive mode will pertain to archived data only. To return to live view, select the View Scheduler Archive option a second time to remove the checkbox to the left of this menu item.


View Scheduler Pending Requests

Some agencies want just certain people responsible for scheduling appointments on behalf of other users. The Scheduler therefore offers a method for others with read-only access to request the scheduling team to schedule an event. To access this view, select the option in the File menu for View Scheduler Pending Requests. While in this mode, any events which are recorded will be saved in a pending state and not displayed on the live schedule. Once a member of the scheduling team responds to the request, the requesting user will be notified.


When a member of the scheduling team accesses this view, her or she will see the requested events on the calendar. By right-clicking an event, they can elect to approve or reject the event. If an event is approved, it will be moved to the live schedule. If it is rejected, it will be removed from the pending list and not moved to the live schedule. In either case, all staff linked to the requested event will be notified of the action, and an optional message can be entered. To return to live view, select the View Scheduler Pending Requests option a second time to remove the checkbox to the left of this menu item.



  • A user is added to the scheduling team by choosing the Member of Scheduling Team option beneath the Scheduler Settings button on the Additional Options tab of Staff Info.
  • When a member of the scheduling team is in Pending Request Approval mode, the View Event List feature will display ALL pending events, not just those for selected resources.


Export Scheduler Data

Selecting this will create an export file representing the scheduler database tables.

Set Scheduling Availability


Set Scheduling Availability

To set availability, select a staff member and click on Set Scheduling Availability. 

