Insurance Eligibility Verification Review

Utilities -> Insurance Eligibility Review


The Insurance Eligibility Verification module is an optional feature that allows you to automate the entire process of authenticating insurance coverage and checking eligibility.  Before using this feature, you will need to complete the initial configuration.


The system will automatically check Insurance Eligibility for the patients on your Scheduler based on the configuration settings you've selected. To review the results, go to: Utilities -> Insurance Eligibility Review. You will see the following screen:


  1. Select the result statuses that you'd like to review. If you want to review all of the results, leave them checked. 
  2. Select the date range of the results you'd like to review.
  3. If you've made changes to the Status and Date Range filters, press the Refresh button to update the results list.
  4. The Eligibility Requests matching the Status and Date Range filters will be displayed in this list. Highlight the request you'd like to review. The details of the response will then be displayed in the Eligibility Response window.

Note: You can also complete Individual Insurance Eligibility Requests


ClinicTracker also makes it easy to verify insurance eligibility by choosing one of these options:


  1. Verify All Scheduled Events - click here to verify all scheduled events in your Scheduler.
  2. Verify Events Over a Date Range - click here to verify events over a specific date range.
  3. Verify All Active Intakes - click here to verify all clients with a status of "Intake" on the Patient Demographic form. 
  4. Verify All Active Patients - click here to verify all clients with a status of "Patient" on the Patient Demographic form.

