Recording Group Appointments

Patients -> Group Appointment


One of ClinicTracker's most time-saving features is its ability to schedule appointments all at once for patients in a group therapy. To record group appointments, go to Patients -> Group Appointment.



The Record Group Appointment screen looks like this:


Field Name Description
1. Available Group Group names you established through Group Setup (at #2 on the diagram above)
2. Group Setup New group setup.
3. Saved Appointments for Selected Group Appointments that have been saved for the selected group.
4. Attendance Sheet

Printable attendance sheet.

5. All Scheduling Collections  
6. Group Name of group.
7. Clinician Name of clinician.
8. Supervisor Name of supervisor.
9. Service Name of service including Add-On Codes and Units if applicable. These fields will all transition to the linked individual appointment records.
10. Program Name of program.
11. Location Location
12. Date Date of appointment.
13. Appointment Time Time of appointment.
14. Billable Time Billable time for appointment.
15. Create All Linked Appointments Create Appointments for all individuals.
16. Status Status of appointment. All statuses will allow you to collect patient signatures and create linked appointments, except the status of N/A.
17. Mark All Showed Up Mark all patients as showed up.
18. Create Linked Appointment (Green) or View Linked Appointment (Red) The "play" buttons to the right of each patient name allows you to either create an individual appointment from the group appointment (the button will show in green), or view the existing linked individual appointment (the button will show in red). 
19. Refresh Linked Appointment Status The refresh button will refresh the status/color of those buttons. For example, if you had a linked individual appointment, but then deleted it, pressing the refresh button would change the color from red to green.
20. Group Progress Note Progress Note for entire group.
21. Create Progress Note for Non-Kept Appointments Create Progress Note for non-kept appointments.
22. MH/CD Choose either Mental Health or Chemical Dependency.
23. Progress Note Format Choose Progress Note format.
24. Save/New/Delete Choose Save, Create New or Delete record.


Your existing groups will be displayed in the list on top (#1). Select the group for which you are recording the appointment. Once a group is selected, the list on the top right will load all appointments recorded for that group (#3), and the middle of the form will load all patients associated with the group.


Either double-click an appointment date to view/modify an existing appointment, or start working from a blank form to create a new appointment.


Enter the required appointment information on the top of the form, and for each patient indicate the status (Showed up, Cancelation, etc.), or leave as N/A if client was not involved in the session. Any status except for N/A will allow you to collect a signature and create a linked appointment. 


You can also enter text for a group progress note in the bottom area (#20).


Press the Save button to commit your changes (#24).


You can make changes to any of the fields in a group appointment record and have them show up in the associated patient records once you synchronize them.


Creating Individual Notes From Group Appointments:

You can leave brief individual notes for each patient by right-clicking on their name. A box will pop up that allows you to record a comment specific to the selected patient. If a note has been entered, the patient name will be displayed in blue and you will be able to see the note by placing your mouse over the patient’s name. Edit an existing note using the same right-click procedure.


