Compliance Builder

You can tailor your compliance workflow down to the most granular level with the Compliance Builder module. 


ClinicTracker allows administrative users to create and configure the most unique compliance requirements. With this module, you can create rules with custom due dates, trigger forms, completed dates, responsible parties and much more. This comprehensive feature allows you to create paperwork due dates based on admission date, appointment number, patient age, program/staff assignments and more.

Once this module is enabled, you can go to: Compliance -> Compliance Builder.


Here you will be able to begin configuring your compliance items. Nobody has to guess what paperwork is due, which forms they should complete, or who is responsible for documenting clinical events. You write all the rules into ClinicTracker using the Compliance Builder and the system orchestrates the rest. Supervisors or QA/UR staff can always monitor the extent to which staff are in compliance with the requirements you've established. 



For more information on creating compliance rules, please see Compliance Workflow Builder.

For more information on tracking and reporting, please see User Features

