User Features


Now that you have configured your compliance rules,  you can begin using and reporting on those rules. For more information on creating your compliance rules, please see Compliance Workflow Builder


You will be able to review compliance due dates based on Patient compliance and/or Staff compliance. For Patient compliance items you can go to: Compliance -> Patient Compliance. You will see that you have a section that describes the compliance item description and an audit log for actions taken on a specific compliance item. 



For Staff,  you can go to: Staff -> Staff Compliance. You will see that you can view the pending and completed compliance items.



You can view pending compliance items from the Quick-View Pane as well.


Let's look at how easy it is to view pending compliance items from the Quick-View Pane of any client. When the QVP opens you will see the Compliance tab with two sections, one  labeled "Patient's Pending Compliance" and one labeled "My Pending Compliance". You can double-click on any compliance item to open it.


  1. Patient's Pending Compliance
  2. My Pending Compliance


You can right-click any compliance item to be presented with a list of possible actions. Such as:


  • Assign to Me
  • Assign to Staff
  • Add Comments
  • Mark as Completed
  • Recalculate Due Date
  • Edit This Occurrence
  • Open Form
  • Open Triggering Form


You can click on the icon shown here to assign new compliance rules for this patient, deactivate compliance or preview the selected compliance rule:



You will be able to view compliance items filtered by different criteria on the Staff Compliance. Go to: Staff -> Staff Compliance and you will see that you can pull items for a specific staff member or select All Staff (available for Admin Users). You will also be able to view "All Valid Compliance", "All Compliance for my Supervisees" and "All Compliance without Staff Assignments". 


In order for supervisors to see their supervisees' compliance, the supervisor will need to be configured on the Staff Info page. To configure the Compliance Supervisor you can go to: Staff -> Staff Info -> [select the appropriate staff member] -> Basic Info tab ->Compliance Supervisor.


For more information on Compliance reporting, please see Compliance Reporting.

