Compliance Workflow Builder

Utilities -> Compliance Builder


With ClinicTracker’s Compliance builder, administrators can determine precisely what should happen in any scenario: admission, discharge, completed treatment plans, re-admissions, etc. The software alerts providers to required activities and the deadlines for completion. The system automatically sends notifications in advance, so due dates are always clear.


You work with Compliance Builder by establishing "rule sets." Those are the rules you tell ClinicTracker to follow in regard to what you trigger an alert, the paperwork you want involved, etc. You can: 


  1. Create a new trigger rule set
  2. Add a paperwork item to the rule set
  3. Filter a paperwork item
  4. Set a recurrence
  5. Clone a paperwork item
  6. Add a paperwork item to the rule set
  7. Filter the entire rule set (rather than a specific paperwork item)
  8. Clone a previously created rule set
  9. Modify a previously existing rule set


Field Name Field Description
1. Triggering Form Both custom and stock forms may be found in this drop down. You can also choose from a Staff Assignment so that if you create an assignment for a doctor, it will trigger one workflow, but an assignment for a nurse could trigger another. 
2. Ruleset Description Enter a description of your new compliance rule.
3. Triggering Event Determines what action will activate the compliance rule. 
4. Allow Duplicate Compliance

Choose "yes" if you would like the system to send you multiple notifications if there are duplicate compliance rules. 

Choose "no" if you would like the system to detect a duplicate compliance item and send only one notification.

5. Is Active? Choose "yes" or "no". 
6. Action to Complete What action will be completed with this compliance rule. 
7. Occurrence Here you can tell the system what you would like your rule to accomplish. 
8. Number Enter a number 
9. Unit Choose your units: Days, Hours, Weeks, Months, Years.
10. Based On Choose the action that will start your compliance rule. 
11. Responsible Staff Choose which staff will be responsible.
12. Reminder Days Choose how far in advance alerts will start showing. 

13. N/A After Discharge

Choose this option if the rule will not be applicable after patient is discharged. If this item is checked, the compliance rule will be deactivated when the patient is discharged. 
14. Edit Filter Edit compliance rule filter.
15. Create Recurrence 

Here you will be able to configure your system based on specific patterns:

A.) Based On

B.) Based on Due Date of Base Condition

C.) Based on Due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence)

D.) Based on Due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence if Different than Base Condition)

For more information, see Create a Recurrence

16. Remove Rule Click here to remove the rule.
17. Clone a rule Click here to clone the previous row. 
18. Add Click here to add a new row. 
19. New Click here to add a new Compliance Workflow
20. Save Click here to save your compliance rule. 
21. Print Click here to print.
22. Add Filter Click here to add a Compliance Set Filter. 
23. Add Restricted Forms Click here to add forms that you would like to restrict access to if there is an overdue compliance item.
24. Delete Ruleset Click here to delete a ruleset. Note: If the rulseset has been used, this will delete the ruleset along with all compliance items created with the ruleset.


To illustrate the process, let's make a compliance item together.  For this example, we want ClinicTracker to notify staff that they have to complete an Admission Summary when a client's status changes from Intake to Patient. You will be able to see how we configure each rule by looking at the numbers and how they correspond to the the Compliance Workflow diagram listed below:


  1. Our compliance item will be based on the Demographics form. 
  2. We will name our compliance: Testing for example in support portal.
  3. We will make our form: Active.
  4. We will have our compliance item begin when the patient status is switched from Intake to Patient.
  5. We will tell the system to notify us only once if there are duplicate compliance settings. 
  6. We want the compliance item to require an Admission Summary when a client is changed from Intake to Patient.
  7. This will be a specific rule that we configured. 
  8. The compliance item will be due 1 day after the patient's status is changed.
  9. The compliance item will be due 1 day after the patient's status is changed.
  10.  The item due date will be based on the admission date of the patient.
  11. The responsible party will be the user who triggered the compliance by switching the client from Intake to Patient.
  12. The system will start sending reminders 1 day after the compliance rule is created. 


Now that we have configured the compliance rule, we must associate this new rule with our example patient: Jane Doe.

To do this, we will go to: Compliance -> Patient Compliance Workflow:


We will click on Associate New Compliance Workflow Set and choose the one from the drop-down box that we just created called "Testing for example in support portal": 


When you click on "Associate," you will see that the new compliance item has been created in the list on the left-hand side of the workflow screen:


Now that our compliance rule is associated with Jane Doe, let's see how it will look in ClinicTracker. 

We will use the staff member named Bruce Boss and we will change Jane Doe's status from Intake to Patient on the Demographics record.


You will get a prompt asking you if you would like to set the admission date in the compliance record:


Now let's look at how the system will notify the staff member that there is a compliance item ready for completion. The staff member can click on the "My Messages" widget and see there is a section on the far left titled "Compliance Workflow Alerts". You can see the compliance item that we created alerting the triggering user that an Admission Summary needs to be completed for Jane Doe when the client was changed to Patient Status:


You will also see under the "My Messages" widget the CA (Compliance Alert) section will have all the names of the patients that the clinician is responsible for:


You can click on a patient to open the alert. From here, you can click on the link to see the full report choosing different filters if needed:




For more information, see Compliance Builder or visit our website at Compliance Builder features page

