Create a Recurrence

ClinicTracker lets you configure compliance based on rules you create. These rules can also involve recurring activities, for those that repeat daily, weekly,  monthly, yearly, based on an insurer-specified number of days, and by appointment number. Click the button highlighted below to enter the recurrence options form.



  1. Recurrence Start Option - This is where you will choose when your recurrence should begin. The options here are explained in detail a little further down the page.
  2. Recurrence Pattern - Here you will choose the pattern for your recurrence. For example, will it be daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.  
  3. Range or Recurrence - Here you will configure when the system will discontinue the rule. For example, on discharge or after a specific number of occurrences. 


To further explain the "Start The Recurrence" dropdown, let's first start by looking at the options. You have 4 options in the drop down box:

  1. Based on (triggering event)
  2. Based on Due Date of Base Condition
  3. Based on Due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence)
  4. Based on Due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence if Different Than Base Condition)



Now let's look closer at each option to see how the compliance rule will react if chosen. The first thing that we need to understand is that the options are triggered off of the base condition. The base condition is what is configured in the rule here:


1. Based on (triggering event)

Let's say that you want your recurrence to start today and every first of the month. You would choose the first option "Based on (triggering event) and your screen would look like this:



You will see that the item will be due today (5/14) but then begin the recurring on 7/1, 8/1 and so on (skipping 6/1). This option assumes the first occurrence covers the first required compliance and skips ahead to the next recurring which would be 7/1. 

Based on Due Date of Base Condition

Similar to the above rule, this rule will delete the first occurrence (in this case 6/1). It will begin the recurring on the date you enter the rule (5/14) and then on 7/1, 8/1 and so on (skipping 6/1). This rule is helpful if you have a client come in and you would like to have that first visit satisfy the first requirement. 


Based on Due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence)

Similar to the above mentioned rule except that it will retain the first occurrence. This rule would be beneficial when you want monthly recurrences, but your first entry falls in the middle of a recurrence window. As you can see in this example where the first recurrence is 5/14, but we want it to recur again on 6/1:



The first due date will be 5/14 and then it will continue from 6/1, 7/1, 8/1 etc.:


Based on Due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence if Different Than Base Condition)

Similar to the above option, but with one difference. This rule will retain the first occurrence unless its going to create a duplicate on the same day. 

For example, let's say that you want something based on today and every Wednesday, but the day you are working on happens to be a Wednesday. In this situation, you would choose to use the rule "Based on due Date of Base Condition (Retain 1st Occurrence if Different Than Base Condition). 



