Event Review

Utilities -> Scheduler


Some agencies have centralized scheduling whereby providers can only make appointments provisionally. An appointment isn't "official" until someone on the scheduling team reviews it (perhaps for insurance eligibility).  If you have the setting for Display Reviewed Option on Scheduler enabled in the Options form, you will see an Event Reviewed checkbox on the Event Detail form. To enable this setting go to: Help -> About -> Admin Config -> Options -> Admin tab.


This option allows for members of the Scheduling Team to have the ability to review scheduled events prior to them occurring. Checking the Event Reviewed box will store the reviewing user, as well as the date and time of review. While all users can see the reviewed status,only members of the scheduling team may mark an event as reviewed or not reviewed. A reviewed event will display an “R” icon within the calendar displayed for quick visual verification of the review status.


You can also see the review status of events by going to File -> View Review Status List. Unlike the View Event List feature, this will show all events within the selected date range (as opposed to just those for the currently-selected resources), and allow you to filter by review status.


If you are a member of the scheduling team, you can update the review status by checking or unchecking the review box in the first column. Placing your mouse over a checked entry will display the user who reviewed the event as well as the date and time information.

Note: A user is added to the scheduling team by choosing the Member of Scheduling Team option beneath the Scheduler Settings button on the Additional Options tab of Staff Info. Go to Staff -> Staff Info -> Additional Options tab.
