Check-In Sheet


Utilities -> Scheduler


It's always good to know which patients are currently checked into your clinic and which have left for the day. You can view this list by clicking Check-In Sheet at the top of the Scheduler.



You can use this form to customize/filter the list:

  1. Building: You can filter by any building you have been granted access to view in your Staff Info Record. Selecting ALL ACCESSIBLE from the list will display any patients checked in regardless of what building they may be visiting.
  2. Staff: Filter your selection by staff member or choose All. 
  3. Date Range: View results for a specific day or date range by adjusting the dates in the drop down.  
  4. Only Show Checked-In: If you check this box, you will only see results for patients who are checked-in. Leave this box un-checked to include patients who have checked-out. 
  5. Refresh Icon: Clicking the icon will refresh the page. 
  6. Check In Time: The time the patient was checked-in. 
  7. Check Out Time: The time the patient was checked-out. You can only see this information if yoy un-checked the box next to Only Show Checked-In (#4). 



