Scheduler Basics
The screen consists of a large calendar control which displays existing events.
- The top of the calendar shows the date and resource displayed.
- You can adjust the width of the columns. To do this:
- right-click on the day and selecting a size (this is only available in certain views), or
- go to Calendar -> Column Width.
- The left side of the calendar shows the time of day. The default cell size can be adjusted by right-clicking on a time and selecting a different duration.
- The top of the form will display several icons that let you adjust various properties of the schedule control.
- Just below the row of icons, a navigation bar will show the currently displayed date range and allow you to scroll forward or backward.
- The right side of the form contains a calendar on top which will allow you to navigate to a different date range.
- You can toggle between showing one or two navigation calendars by going to Calendar -> Navigation Calendar Display.
- Just below the calendar is a list of the resource types you can choose from (Staff, Patient, Room), as well the specific resources to display on the calendar.