Linking to Patients, Staff, and Groups
Utilities -> Scheduler
To view the schedule by staff, patient, and room, you must associate an event with at least one of these resources.
To associate an event to a room, select the building/room from the Location drop-down menu in the Event Detail Form:
You can link an event to as many staff or patients as you want, allowing an event to show up on many different schedule views.
For example, if you had an event linked to Janie Allen and Dr. Smith as well as their patient John Zippy, the event would show up in Staff View Mode when selecting either Janie Allen or Dr. Smith as well as in Patient View Mode for John Zippy. To add a patient or staff, click the icon and locate the patient or staff member. To remove a patient or staff link, highlight the item (or multiple items using control and shift) and click the
icon. You can easily add yourself as a linked staff by clicking the
Note: When you bring up the Staff Find Form, the list will only contain your name and the names of staff who have granted you View and Edit Privileges to their Schedule. If you don’t see a name in the list that you expect to see, contact that person and ask him or her to adjust their Scheduler permissions through their Staff Info record (Staff -> Staff Info -> Additional Options tab -> Scheduler Settings)
If you are scheduling a group appointment, use the icon to add all current patients as linked patients, and associate the group with the event.
When a patient is linked to an event, several options are available by selecting the patient name and right-clicking:
- Check Selected Patients In
- Check Selected Patients Out
- Collect Copay – Only available if linked to BillingTracker, collect a copay from the patient (also available as right-click option from main schedule event)
- Display Authorizations - Displays Insurance Authorizations
- Display Contact Information– Display phone and email information from demographic record
- Display Demographics – Open the Demographic Record
- Display Patient Balance - Only available if linked to BillingTracker, display patient’s open balance
- Display Patient Contacts – Open the Patient Contacts Record
- Display Dashboard - Displays Patient Dashboard
- Display Patient Insurance – Display the insurers listed for this patient
- Display Patient Missed Appointment Rate – Display No-Call/No-Show rate
- Quick-View Pane - Displays Quick-View Pane
- Navigation - Displays Navigation Menu
- Generate Reminder Call
- Cancel Pending Calls
- View Reminder Call Log
- Mark Message Reminder As
In addition, if a single patient is associated with an event, the following options are also available:
- Create Patient Contact – Create an appointment record in Patient Contacts based on the date, time, location, patient, staff, service, program, and payor for the given scheduled event. If you already created an appointment, the event will display a small icon
and the option will instead allow you to view the Patient Contact record. These options are also available when right-clicking on a schedule event on the calendar. If you ever need to remove the association between a scheduled event and a Patient Contact Appointment, right-click on the event and choose Remove Patient Contact Association. If you ever need to associate a scheduled event with a Patient Contact Appointment you have already created, right-click on the event and choose Associate With Patient Contact. A fly-out menu will display all appointments recorded for the selected patient within one day of the scheduled event. You can then select the appointment you would like to associate, and the association will be created.
- Cancel & Create Patient Contact – Create an appointment record in Patient Contacts based on the date, time, location, patient, staff, service, program, and payor for the given scheduled event, which has been canceled. Then immediately delete the event from the schedule. This will allow you to maintain a record of the appointment cancelation (for reporting purposes) while removing the item from the scheduler and freeing up the time slot. If you already created an appointment, ClinicTracker will ask if you would like to bring up that appointment before deleting the event off the schedule.
- Appointment Reminder Card – Create an appointment reminder card to email or print for the patient.
If a group is associated with an event, you will have access to similar features to create a group appointment.