Scheduler Coloring

Utilities -> Scheduler


The Scheduler uses color coding extensively. Here is an explanation of the colors you will see and what they indicate:


Resource List:

  • Name in Blue: View-only access to resource
  • Name in Black: Full access to resource


Calendar Background Cells:

  • Light-Blue: Non-work hours
  • White: Work hours
  • Red: Unavailable time slot
  • Green: Available time slot
  • Red with diagonal hashing lines: Unavailable time slot that overlaps with non-work hours
  • Green with diagonal hashing lines: Available time slot that overlaps with non-work hours


Calendar event cells:

  • Color is based on Event Type as configured using the maintenance menu at Utilities -> Maintenance -> Schedule Event Type Input


Column Headers / Resource Type Labels:

  • Black: Staff
  • Blue: Patient
  • Green: Room


Show Time As: 


You can reflect specific availability on events by using the "Show Time As" feature. You can right-click on an event and choose "Show Time As", or you can open the event and choose from the dropdown:




You have 4 choices and each availability will show as a different color on the far left of the event just before the name:

  1. Free - will show as a solid bar (If an event is set to Free it will not be considered for conflict checking.)
  2. Tentative - will show as dots
  3. Busy - will show as stripes
  4. Out of Office - will not show 





