Conflict Checking

Utilities -> Scheduler


When you schedule a new event or edit an existing event, ClinicTracker will notify you if a patient is scheduled for two appointments in one day or another event is scheduled at the same time for the same room. You have the option of scheduling the event regardless of the conflict. 


Note: You may receive a conflict notification even though there doesn’t seem to be a conflicting event on the Schedule. Keep in mind that another event could be scheduled that you don’t have permission to view. When a conflict is detected, ClinicTracker will tell you the staff member who scheduled the conflicting appointment.


Conflicts will be displayed in the following situations:

  • A staff member has an event booked for a time period that overlaps the current event.
  • A room has an event booked for a time period that overlaps the current event.
  • A patient has an event booked for a time period that overlaps the current event.
  • A patient has more than one appointment booked for the same day, and the event has a schedule event type with the Duplicate Appointment Check option enabled.
  • An event is booked outside a staff members work-day hours.
  • An event is booked when a staff member has marked themselves as being unavailable.

If a conflict is displayed, you have the option of canceling the save operation and making a change, or proceeding with the save and creating a conflicting event.


You can disable conflict checking by toggling the Calendar -> Enable Conflict Checking option.


The default value of this setting will be determined by the Disable Scheduler Conflict Checking option within the current user’s Staff Info record. You can find this option by going to: Staff -> Staff Info -> Personal tab.

