Setting Availability


Utilities -> Scheduler


Many organizations want office staff to have all the information they need so they can independently schedule appointments for others using the Find Available Appointment feature. The only way the system can anticipate when people will be free is if they let it know when they are available. The Scheduling Availability Form, accessible via the Scheduler at File -> Set Scheduling Availability, gives users a way of telling the Scheduler when they are generally free during a week. It also allows for exceptions to the rule. ClinicTracker configures availability for whomever is current displayed on the Scheduler. 


By default, your list of available time slots is empty. You must build up a list of your availability and exceptions that would make you unavailable. For example, let’s say you are available every Monday from 10 AM until 3 PM, but you are going on vacation on January 7th, which is a Monday. You would create an Available entry for Mondays from 10-3 and then create an Unavailable entry for January 7th, which would eliminate your availability on that specific Monday.


Form Layout



1. Available/Unavailable


Is the rule being created indicating when you are available or when you are not available.


2. Date


If your rule applies to a specific date, click the option button to the left of the date picker and select the date.


3. Day of Week


If your rule applies to a day of the week, click the option button to the left of the drop-down and select the day.


4. Start Time


Enter the beginning of the time slot you are recording.


5. Stop Time


Enter the end of the time slot you are recording.


6. Available For


This list will be populated with the items entered in the Schedule Event Type Maintenance Menu. Select the Event Types you are available for. You can easily select all Event Types by right-clicking in the list and choosing Select All. If you don’t select any Event Types, you will only appear when someone searches for All Event Types in the Find Available Appointment Form.


7. Location Enter a specific location or All Locations
8. Unavailable Reason Optional free text field



Clearing Old Data

After a while, your Availability List may become cluttered. You can delete old entries which are no longer useful by going to File -> Clear Old Information. That will delete any date specific (as opposed to weekday-specific) entries that only affect dates prior to today.

