Service Specific Fee

Patients -> Demographics -> Insurance tab


Located on the Insurance tab, the Service Specific Fee button lets you customize the charge and/or copayment for specific services for the selected client. This feature is helpful if a client has a specialty service copayment that is higher than the normal plan copayment. It is also helpful when you've negotiated a client-specific fee schedule with the patient's insurer.


The BillingTracker copay collection screen will display the one relevant copay. The system first checks the Service Specific Copay screen. If no Service Specific Copay is present, BillingTracker will assign the default copay according to the service type (Individual or Group). 


Patient-Specific Fees are calculated after a price-override (entered on the appointment record), but before any other fee schedules (e.g., reduced fee, fee schedule, and default pricing).


If a patient-specific fee and/or allowed amount are entered, but a copay is not, the system will use the default copay. In other words, the patient-specific record is ignored if data are missing.


Field Description
1. Copay Enter the Copay amount
2. Fee Enter the Service Fee amount
3. Allowed

Enter the Allowed amount

4. Description Enter a Description of the service-specific fee. If you save an entry within the Service-Specific Copay form without a description, ClinicTracker will prompt you to populate it with selected service names.

Select the applicable services or use the Wand button to select a Service Category 

6. Copay Units If checked, the system will multiply the copay amount by the number of service units (based on the service configuration). If unchecked, copay is always the fixed amount recorded, regardless of session duration.
7. Review By Date This is where you can set a reminder to review and service-specific fees. This date will not stop the rules from being enforced, it is only a reminder. The rule will still be enforced even if the "review by" date has passed. You will see that the rules are color coded: Red = Lapsed, Blue = Active, Orange = Approaching and Black = No Date Set. 
8. Save Click Save to save the service-specific fee
9. New Click New to enter a new service-specific fee
10. Delete Click Delete to delete the service-specific fee
11. Description Saved entries appear in the list at the bottom of the screen


Note: You can configure Service Categories by going to: Utilities -> Maintenance -> Service Category

