Merging a Patient into Another Patient


Users can accidentally create two records for the same patient, sometimes because they were not aware of a prior admission (i.e., an earlier treatment phase).


Now an administrator user can merge two records together by identifying:


1) the record to keep (the destination)




2) the record to eliminate (the source) after the system merges all the relevant data into the destination record.


Because you can only have one version of certain items per treatment phase (such as the demographic info and compliance record), the system gives deference to information in the record that will remain. In other words, if both the source and destination records have data, the system will retain whatever is in the destination version.
This process is performed by going to: Demographics -> File -> Merge Current Patient into Another.


As an example, you will see that Patient John Smith has completed paperwork.



Here is the patient that was entered in error. This patient has a Progress Note dated 11/29/18.


To merge these two patients, you will pull up the Demographic form of the patient entered in error. Click on File -> Merge Current Patient Into Another.



You will be able to view the completed paperwork by clicking on the View Completed Paperwork button.




You can now choose what patient and what treatment phase you would like to merge this record in to. 



You will get this message confirming the merge. Please note that this process is irreversible.  



You will now see that the 11/29 Progress Note is showing for the patient and treatment phase that you selected. 



All relevant data and Related Documents have now been merged into John Smith (the destination).

