Reminder Log


In order to see the details of the reminder status for a particular event, select the View Reminder Call Log item using a right-click option on an event displayed on the scheduler or on a patient name within the event detail form. This will show you a full history of any reminder made or responses logged.


You can view the full reminder history by accessing the scheduler’s File menu and choosing View Reminder Log. This will display all reminder activity over a date range and allow you to filter by status (e.g.: confirmed, canceled, etc.) and Type (e.g.: Call, SMS, or Call + SMS). You can also filter by either the event date or the call activity date.


Pressing the refresh button on the Appointment Reminder Log screen will poll the server for the latest reminder status. Note that there may be a delay between a reminder being made and the reminder status being available for display within ClinicTracker.


A right-click option on any row will allow you to view a patient’s contact information, generate a reminder, or cancel a pending reminder.


You can view the reminder history for a particular patient or staff member by right-clicking their name in the Resource Display List and choosing View Reminder History. This will show detailed information about reminders scheduled or placed over the date range displayed on the scheduler. You can also set the Appointment Reminder Preference to Call, SMS or Call + SMS.
