Preventing Automatic Reminders


In general, reminders will be automatically scheduled to be sent a few days prior to the event (depending on the settings you have configured). However, you can prevent reminders from being automatically generated in two ways:


  1. Schedule Event Type: You can designate events tagged with a certain Event Type to not be sent automated reminders. See the setting at Utilities -> Maintenance -> Schedule Event Type Input, for “Suppress Reminders.”

  2. Patient Group: You can designate events for patients assigned to a certain primary Patient Group to not be sent automated reminders. See the setting at Utilities -> Maintenance -> Patient Group Input, for “Suppress Calls.”

  3. Patient-Specific Setting: You can designate a patient as not wanting to receive automated reminders by choosing the “Toggle "No-Call" Setting” when right-clicking their name in the Resource Display List on the scheduler. This will add or remove a “(NC)” after the patient name to indicate “No-Call.”