Initial Configuration

Your ClinicTracker support team will assist you with the initial configuration of your account. You will simply need to provide the following information:


  1. Agency Name: The name you want announced during the calls/SMS
  2. Agency Phone Number: The number patients should dial when calling you back
  3. Unique ID: This will be configured by the ClinicTracker support team
  4. Number of Redials: The number of attempts the system should attempt to redial after failed calls
  5. Number of Resends: A number of times to attempt failed calls in a job after job completion
  6. Resend Interval: Delay between redials after failed attempts (Immediate, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours)
  7. Caller ID: The number to display on the receiver’s caller ID
  8. Reminder Start Time: The hour of the day during which the system will start to place calls/SMS 
  9. Reminder End Time: The hour of the day during which the system will stop placing calls/SMS 
  10. Delay Between Reminders: This will be configured by the ClinicTracker support team
  11. Days to Call Ahead: Number of days prior to an appointment to send the automated reminders. Any eligible event between tomorrow and the number of selected days out that has not already received a reminder will be included in the scheduled reminders.
  12. Patient Portal Confirmation Days: Number of days prior to an appointment that a patient can confirm through the Patient Portal.



An administrative user can update the configuration of the Appointment Reminders by going to: Admin Config -> Options -> Admin: Administrative Settings. You will then click the Configure button next to the Appointment Reminders checkbox. Here you can set the Agency Name that will display on incoming calls, the Caller ID number as well as many other personalized settings.



Name Description
1. Agency Name The Agency Name that will display on incoming calls.
2. Agency Phone Number The Agency phone number (will not display).
3. Unique ID  
4. Number of Redials Number of redials if the initial call fails.
5. Number of Resends A number of times to attempt failed calls in a job after job completion.
6. Resend Interval Delay between resending jobs (required if number of resends is 1 or greater)
7. Caller ID Phone number that will display on caller ID. This number must be a valid telephone number.
8. Reminder Start Time Start time from which calls can begin.
9. Reminder End Time End time at which calls should stop.
10. Delay Between Reminders Number of seconds between calls that are sent. This will prevent all reminders from being sent at the same moment, which could result in many transfers to your office at the same time.  
11. Days Ahead to Send Number of days prior to the appointment to place reminders.
12. Portal Confirmation Days Number of days prior to an appointment that a patient can confirm through the Patient Portal.
13. Testing Phone Number Valid phone number used to test reminders.
14. Username Assigned Username at implementation.
15. Password Assigned Password at implementation.
16. Default Reminder Type Default reminder types: Call, SMS, Call & SMS.
17. Allowable Reminder Types This will allow an administrator to determine and limit which appointment reminder types show as options on your system.
18. SMS Short Code This code will be configured for you upon implementation.
19. Pending Report Gap Time The time between when the reminders are sent and when they will show in reports. 


Pending Report On Each Send

Check this option if you would like to generate a report on each BLI send. 
20B. Pending Report on Each Send Async Check this option if you would like to generate a report on each BLI send in an asychronised (non-blocking) way. 
20C. Call Completed Report Recursively Check this option if you would like to recursively generate a pending report after "Pending Report On Each Send".
20D. Send BLI Call to Server Async Check this option if you would like to generate call orders in an asychronised (non-blocking) way. 
20E. Store Logging Information Check this option if you would like to store detailed logging information. Only enable for debugging purposes, as this will cause log file growth.
21. Call Script This is how your call is configured and will sound to customers.
22. Testing Mode Enabled If Live Mode is not enabled, your system will be in Testing Mode. All reminders will be routed to testing number entered i the Testing Phone Number field. 
23. Send Sample Call Send a sample call.
24. Send Sample SMS Send a sample SMS.
25. Live Mode This box will be checked when the Appointment Reminder Module is enabled on your system.
26. Available SMS Fields This is the list of available fields to choose from while configuring your SMS reminders. NOTE: You can add the field labeled "ConfirmCancelLink" if you would like to put a link in e-mail and SMS reminders that patients can use to confirm or cancel an upcoming appointment.
27. SMS Script This is how your SMS reminder is configured and will look to customers. Every 160 characters will be billed as a separate reminder. 



You can also add additional content to the call script that is location-specific by going to:Utilities -> Maintenance, Building/Billing Location Input -> Reminder Call tab. 





Here you can enter content to add to the reminder call script or leave blank to not include any location-specific information. 



