Using the Message Board


The message board is a convenient way to view, save and organize your emails. Each section can be customized to suit your needs and is explained in detail below:


Viewing Messages

You can view a message by clicking its corresponding entry in the middle pane, which will display the contents in the right pane. The message will display all of the content as well as any links that may have been included. 


Blue underlined words typically indicate a link that will bring you to a website, a file, or a place within ClinicTracker. It also allows you to compose a message.


You can preview a message in a new window for printing by right-clicking the message and choosing the Preview option, by double-clicking, or by using the icon in the toolbar.


Read/Unread Status

By default, new messages are Unread and display with a closed envelope image. If you click on a message to display the contents in the right pane and view the message for several seconds, its status will change to Read, and an open envelope image will display. You can also mark a message as read by double-clicking it or right-clicking and choosing Mark as Read. To return a message to unread status, right-click the message and choose Mark as Unread.


Sorting Messages With Labels

By default, all messages you send or receive will be displayed in your Messages inbox. However, you can add additional sub-folders by right-clicking on a message and choosing Add New Label. This will create a new label (similar to a folder) and associate the message with that label. You would then see a new item underneath the Messages option with the label you created and the message you were viewing.


Click on Add Label to enter the label name:


To remove the label from a message and return it to the main Messages inbox, right-click the message, and select the label again to remove the checkbox. A message can be associated with as many labels as you would like and will display in all selected views.


Sent Messages

All messages that you send will be stored in the SENT area. It is a log of everything you have sent.


Deleted Folders

Certain sections of the messaging system will have a folder for deleted items.They are MessagesScheduler NotificationsSignature Requests, Patient Portal Messages and External Messages.


These deleted folders will house items from the parent folder that you have deleted. You can undo a delete by right-clicking on an item in a deleted folder and choose to Undo Delete. This action will restore the item to its original state.


See Also
