Adding a File Link


If you want to give the recipient access to a file on your network, you can insert a file link into your message.

To add a link to a file:

  1. Click the File button on the top of the form.
  2. You will receive a message reminding you to select a file that is accessible to the recipients. Click OK.

  3. Clicking on this section brings up a File Dialog. Locate the document you would like to link to and double-click on it.
    1. If the file is not in the designated MessageBoard folder, you will be asked if you would like to copy the file to this folder. Selecting yes is not required, but if the file is in a folder that not all users have access to, they will not be able to open the file you are linking to if you choose not to copy it.

  4. Once you select the file, you will be asked to enter the text to display for the link.

  5. A code will be inserted into your message that will create the link when the message is posted.