Cloud Communication


Security around communications has become a central focus for behavioral health agencies. Gone are the days when it’s acceptable to leave sheets in a fax machine or send private medical information through regular email. ClinicTracker’s integrated Cloud Communications package (which includes Cloud Fax and Direct Secure Messaging services) lets you exchange all incoming and outgoing messages securely and directly from within your EHR.


Cloud Faxing

Old-fashioned fax machines are steadily fading from clinical settings because they cannot guarantee that the right person receives the right document every time. They also make snooping far too easy. True, you can scan documents and attach to a standard email, but this is not a HIPAA-compliant method for transmitting Personal Health Information (PHI). Cloud faxing allows users to organize documents and manage who has access to specific files. By managing contacts through a cloud-based fax system, document control is effortlessly straightforward.

  • Eliminate the traditional fax machine from your practice
  • Save time by sending faxes just like you would compose an email
  • Keep all of your communications well-organized and secure. Click here to learn more.


Direct Secure Messaging

Direct Secure Messaging is the accepted protocol for exchanging PHI over the internet. Unlike regular email, Direct messages are authenticated and encrypted to ensure that only authorized parties can send and receive sensitive data.

Federal regulations require that you securely transmit any messages to an outside provider that contains PHI. These rules ensure that your patients' privacy is always protected. The latest secure encryption technology is used to send messages, file attachments, and C-CDA (Consolidated Clinical Document Architecture) records directly through ClinicTracker. In fact, if your agency uses the ClinicTracker Patient Portal, your patients will be able to forward their medical records (in C-CDA format) to outside providers, safe in the knowledge that the information is protected.

  • Send and receive any patient information over a trusted HIPAA compliant network
  • Stay compliant with Meaningful Use regulations

Cloud Communications Within ClinicTracker

If you enable the Cloud Communications module, you will see a section integrated within the messaging system labeled "CC." As long as you have granted the staff member access to at least one account, the CC option will appear on the My Messages widget. For more information on how to enable access for staff, see the section labeled: Cloud Communications: Link Staff Accounts to Addresses.


When you open the full message board by clicking the My Messages link, you will see the Cloud Communications node in your message center.




For more information, please see:
