System Notification


Administrators have a convenient way of notifying system users of alerts and general messages. 


Located in the top right-hand side of ClinicTracker, the System Notification can be customized to include messages that all users will see. 


To setup the System Notification, an administrative user can:


  1. Click on My Messages

  2. Click on System Notification. If there is no current system notification, you will see a message on the far right-hand side of the screen advising that you should right-click the middle pane to add a message.

  3. Right-click the middle pane. You will be prompted to add a system notification.

  4. After choosing Add System Notification, you will be able to add your text here and click OK.

  5. You custom text will show here.

  6. You System Notification will show on the top right corner of the Staff Dashboard.

  7. To delete or edit this system notification, you can go back into My Messages and right-click on the message. You will be given the option to delete or edit.

  8. Please note that you can only one configure one System Notification at a time. 