Quick View Pane

The Quick View Pane (QVP) provides an at-a-glance view of critical information pertaining to a patient record. It can include Patient Notes, Custom Form Alerts (via ClinicTracker), Billing Notes (via BillingTracker), General Notes, and a Custom Form section (that you administrator configures).


These elements can display in the Quick View Pane:


  • Patient Notes: Information someone recorded about a specific patient. For more information on Patient Notes, click here. 
  • Custom Form Alerts (if enabled): Some custom forms have fields that are designed to appear in the QVP. For more information on Custom Form Alerts, click here
  • General Notes: Information that pops up when someone accesses any record in the clinic (it is not specific to a particular patient). For more information on General Notes, click here
  • Custom Tabs (if enabled): An administrator can embed a custom form in the QVP. For more information on how to embed a custom tab, click here

You can also add a prompt to Patient Notes and General Notes that makes sure other users will see the information. You can configure colors as well as specific dates and what users should see the note. You can also configure when the note should start triggering a prompt or alert. Click on the links below for additional information:

