Editing Locked Records

Patient -> Patient Contacts -> Appointment tab


Occasionally you will need to make changes to locked records, especially when a user notices an input error after entering signatures. If you've been granted Edit Locked Records permissions (Staff -> Staff Info -> User Responsibility tab). You have several options:


Add Addendum to Locked Record

Select this option to make additions to the Appointment or Collateral Record. You will be required to enter your password to verify that you are adding an addendum. Add the addendum to the Patient Contact Record and hit the Save button. You will then be required to explain why you are making these changes. Once you enter the explanation, the record will be updated. All the changes will be added to the Audit Log, which will be displayed automatically. You can display this Audit Log at any time, by clicking the Audit Log menu item on the Patient Contacts Form after loading a record that had been modified.


Edit Locked Record

Select this option to make changes to the Appointment or Collateral Record. You will be required to enter your password to verify that you are the user making changes. Make any modifications to the Patient Contact Record and hit the Save button. You will then be required to explain why you are making these changes. Once you enter the explanation, the record will be updated. All the changes will be added to the Audit Log, which will be displayed automatically. You can display this Audit Log at any time, by clicking the Audit Log menu item on the Patient Contacts Form after loading a record that had been modified.


Delete Locked Record

Select this option to delete the entire Patient Contacts Record. This includes the Appointment or Collateral Record as well as any linked Progress Notes or Medications.


Unlock Locked Progress Note

Select this option to remove the signatures from the attached Progress Note. You can now make modifications and re-sign the Progress Note.


Delete Locked Progress Note

Select this option to delete the linked Progress Note. It will not affect the base Patient Contact Record.


Change Billable Status

This option only pertains to BillingTracker users. If you accidentally save and lock an appointment, but have incorrectly set the Don’t Bill status, this option will change the value of this item without requiring you to go through the full locked record editing process. You will not be able to change a status from Billable to Non-Billable if it has already been transitioned to BillingTracker. You would need to first manually delete the claim within BillingTracker and then change the billable status within ClinicTracker.

