Add Similar

Patient -> Patient Contacts


You can create a Patient Contact Record by filling out and saving the fields in a blank form.

However, an easier way involves clicking the Add Similar button COPY to the right of the Treatment History Box.


To quickly add a Patient Contact Record, single-click an item in the Treatment History box and then click this icon.


A new record will be created by duplicating all the information in the highlighted record, but inserting today’s date.


You may then make any modifications before saving. This is useful if you are seeing a patient for weekly therapy sessions and most of the information remains the same between sessions. For example, you could simply highlight last week’s appointment, click the Add Similar button, perhaps note that the patient didn’t show up this week by toggling the Status field to No-Call/No-Show, and press the Save button.


Just below that icon, you will see another icon      which is used to Add Similar Diagnosis. This button will act much like the Add Similar button, but will only carry forward the diagnosis and GAF information.



