Calculate Service Units


You will see a button on the Appointments tab of Patient Contacts, next to the Billable Time field. This button will display the number of units you can bill for that patient. You'll find this feature most useful for services you bill based on time and that have indicated rounding rules. For more information on rounding rules, please see Service Input



Let's take a look at an example. First you will go to: Utilities -> Maintenance -> Service Input. For our example we will choose the service called Art Therapy. You will see that this service is configured to be billed based on time for intervals of 15 minutes with a rounding rule of NW (to the nearest whole unit). 



Let's open a Patient Contact Record and enter information showing that this patient will be billed for 10 minutes under our Art Therapy service. 



After entering the required information on the Patient Contact Record, you can click on the wand to see how many units this patient will be billed for. 



You will see that ClinicTracker tells you that based on the billing interval configured on the Service Input form, this patient will be billed for 1 unit. 



