Impairment Questions


Several of the forms have a set of Impairment Questions.


The questions on the left side ask, "Based on all available information, to what extent do symptoms currently cause impairment?"


The questions on the right side ask, "Based on all available information, to what extent do the symptoms upset the… with prompts for Patient, Family, etc."


Use the slider bars to indicate impairment and levels of upset.


If you have set the option to Require Completion of Impairment Questions Before Printing on the Options Form -> Preferences Tab, then you will need to enter a response for each question (even if that response is N/A) before previewing, printing, exporting to Word, or locking.


You can get graphical results from this data by running the Impairment Ratings Report using the Patient Contacts Actions Menu (for the current patient) or running the Rating Scale Data Report located at Admin Reports -> Clinic Productivity.
