ClinicTracker Telehealth HIPAA-Compliance Statement

What is HIPAA?

HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, is a law protecting patient data. Any company that is connected with electronic protected health information (ePHI) must guarantee that all the necessary security measures are thoroughly followed.

The subjects of HIPAA compliance are covered entities (CE), namely the companies and institutions providing health care assistance, and business associates (BA), the companies supporting medical treatment or consultations and having access to patient personal data.

HIPAA generally provides two rules of compliance: Privacy Rule and Security Rule. Privacy Rule is designed to ensure that the private patient data, whether electronic, written, or oral, is safely protected. Security Rule, on the other hand, protects electronic information exclusively. Security Rule binds covered entities and business associates to follow the requirements and protect ePHI. Under Security Rule, the entities should protect ePHI against any threats, hazards, or disclosures; guarantee confidentiality, integrity, and availability of ePHI.


Is ClinicTracker Telehealth HIPAA-compliant?

ClinicTracker Telehealth supports HIPAA security standards and is HIPAA-compliant. We guarantee that patient data will not be passed to any third parties.


How does ClinicTracker Telehealth support HIPAA standards?


Data access and security

The telehealth servers operate in private networks monitored by our server administrators and ensures secure connection via SSL/TLS encryption protocols. Data streams (video, audio, and content) are additionally protected using AES-256. Application access is constantly secured by login name and password verification. During video conferencing sessions, hosts can easily disconnect participants or even terminate current session. The system is protected against cyber-attacks as the servers are located within our secure network.



ClinicTracker Telehealth services require verification of login credentials using single-sign-on through the ClinicTracker application or the ClinicTracker patient portal. Login names are verified to be unique and defined by system administrator who manages the server.



ClinicTracker Telehealth provides audit trails of usage along with extensive log files. Access to meeting management, recordings, and reports is secured.



Transmitted data and service itself are secured in an integrated manner by means of our proprietary communication protocol based on TCP and use of SSL/TLS-based connectivity and AES-256 encryption between server and endpoints.

