Telehealth Connector - Launching a Zoom Session


We will review here how staff will initiate and control a telehealth session via Zoom.


Staff members can launch a telehealth session as follows:

     Step 1: Paste the "Staff Join Link" into a web browser to access the session in Zoom. 

     For instructions on finding this link, please see: Distributing Telehealth Links to Attendees.

     Step 2: Click "Open Zoom Meeting" or "Launch Meeting."




Step 3: Click "Join with Computer Audio."



Step 4: As you join, you will have the option to admit patients from the waiting room.



Step 5: Click "Admit" to invite the patient to join you in the conference.


Step 6: Click on the Start Video icon to turn on your webcam.



Screen Options (on the bottom of the screen from left to right)

  1. Mute
  2. Start Video
  3. Participants
  4. Chat
  5. Share Screen 
  6. Record
  7. Reactions
  8. End


Ending the Call

After you select the "End" button, you will have the option to click "Leave Meeting" or "End Meeting for All."

If you select "Leave Meeting," you will have the option to give control of the meeting to another host.




