Telehealth Connector - Activating the Feature


To activate the Telehealth Connector feature, you will have ClinicTracker turn the feature on for you. Then you will get links from your web conferencing profile and save these links to the Staff Info Record for each telehealth user in ClinicTracker.


To activate Telehealth Connector:

     Step 1: Request the feature.

  • Open a support ticket to request Telehealth Connector by clicking on the blue support tab on the side of this page.
  • The ClinicTracker Team will activate this feature for your clinic.

     Step 2: Sign up with a web conferencing platform. 

  • Set up a profile on your web conferencing account for each staff member who will be using telehealth.
  • For each telehealth user, collect a Personal link and Personal Meeting ID link. (See the bottom of this page for Zoom specific instructions.)

     Step 3: Update the Staff Info Records for telehealth users in ClinicTracker.

  • Go to: Staff -> Staff Info.
  • Search for the telehealth user’s Staff Info Record using the binocular icon.
  • Click "Telehealth" at the bottom of the Staff Info Record.
  • A new "Telehealth Integration" window will pop up.



Step 4: In the Telehealth Integration window, place a checkmark next to "Activate Telehealth Integration"


Step 5:Paste the user's Personal Link into the box next to "Staff Join Link." The "Staff Join Link" field tells ClinicTracker what link a staff member should use to join a session. This link comes from your web conference provider. Zoom refers to this as a Personal Link.


Step 6: Paste the user's Personal Meeting ID into the box next to "Patient Join Link." The Patient Join Link field tells ClinicTracker what links a patient should use to join a session. This link comes from your web conference provider. Zoom refers to this as a Personal Meeting ID.


Step 7: Click "Update" and close the window.



To Find Personal Link and Personal Meeting ID on a Zoom Profile:

  • Go to the user's Zoom Profile.
  • Copy the user's Personal Link (begins with
  • Paste the link into the "Staff Join Link" box in ClinicTracker.



  • Copy the user's Personal Meeting ID link (begins with
  • Paste the link into the "Patient Join Link" box in Clinic Tracker.

