Select Expert


The Select Expert tool lets you filter reports in order to display only the information you want to be included. For example, you might run a report that initially shows all appointments over a date range. But then you decide you only want to display appointments in "Pending" status, for certain services, offered within a certain program in your agency. You would use the Select Expert to filter the report accordingly.


Access the Select Expert by clicking the button in the upper right-hand corner of the window for any report:


On the Select Expert form you will see 3 fields:


  1. Field Name - This dropdown lists all available fields related to the report source that you are accessing. For an easier way to search, use the F2 feature. For more information on this feature click here. In the example image above, for the stock Demographic Information report, the report source is named Patient Demographics. The drop-down contains fields related to the Patient Demographics form.

  2. Criteria - This drop-down contains options that will determine how your selected field relates to the Value that you will select. The Criteria drop-down contains the following options:

    • Equal To - This default selection is used to filter information that matches your value exactly.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Equal To | 21

    Result: Only those patients whose age is exactly 21

    Notes: When matching on a text value, the comparison is case-sensitive, so filtering for "john" will not match with "John"

    • Not Equal To - The opposite of the 'Equal To' option, it generates a list of all results that DO NOT match the value that you select.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Not Equal To | 21

    Result: Only those patients whose age does not equal 21

    Notes: When matching on a text value, the comparison is case-sensitive, so filtering for "john" will not match with "John"

    • Greater Than - Any results with a value higher than the one selected.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Greater Than | 21

    Result: All patients who are 22 years of age or older

    Notes: If you select a text field, the results will be for anything starting with the next letter in the alphabet. For example, selecting "County | Greater Than | C"  will list counties starting with the letter D though Z. This comparison is case-insensitive.

    • Greater Than or Equal To - Identical to the 'Greater Than' option, except it will include the value you selected.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Greater Than or Equal To| 21

    Result: Patients who are 21 years of age or older

    Notes:  If you select a text field, the results will be for anything starting with the letter you identified as the starting point. For example, selecting "County | Greater or Equal to | C"  will list counties starting with the letter C though Z. This comparison is case-insensitive.

    • Less Than - Results with a value lower than the one you selected.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Lower Than | 21

    Result: A list of patients younger than 21

    Notes: If you select a text field, the results will be for words that start with a letter one before the word you selected. For example, selecting "County | Less Than| G"  will list counties starting with the letter A through F. This comparison is case-insensitive.

    • Less Than or Equal To - Identical to the 'Less Than' option, except it will include the value you selected as well as lower ones.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Lower Than or Equal To| 21

    Result: Patients who are 21 years of age or younger

    Notes: If you select a text field, the results will be for anything starting with the letter you identified as the starting point. For example, selecting "County | Less or Equal to | G"  will list counties starting with the letter A though G. This comparison is case-insensitive.

    • Is One Of (comma-separated) - For entering multiple values.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.Age | Is One Of | 21,40,65

    Result: Patients who are either 21, 40, or 65 years old

    Notes: If the values are numeric, they simply need to be separated by commas (e.g., 1,2,3).  If the values are text, each text value must be enclosed in single quotes and separated by commas (e.g., 'A','B','C').  Text comparisons are case-sensitive.

    • Like (Ex: Prefix* or *middle*) – Use this option to find results similar to the value you entered. You use an asterisk to identify the wild card for that value, meaning zero or more characters.

    Example 1: Patient_Demographics.County | Like (Ex: Prefix* or *middle*) | Smi*

    Result: Any county that begins with "Smi" including results such as Smithfield and Smithy

    Example 2: Patient_Demographics.County | Like (Ex: Prefix* or *middle*) | *mit*

    Result: Any county with "mit" in the middle, for example: Schmidt or Arrowsmith

    Notes: The asterisk* (wildcard) symbol will take the place of any zero or more characters. It can be used at the beginning, middle, or end, and can appear multiple times.

    • Starts With – Results will be all values that start with a particular letter.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.County | Starts With | T

    Result: All counties for patients that begin with the letter "T"

    Notes: This option is only available for alphanumeric fields (not numbers or dates)

    • Does Not Start – Similar to the 'Starts With' option, but will filter out all results that do NOT start with the letter entered.

    Example: Patient_Demographics.County | Does Not Start With | T

    Result: All counties for patients that do NOT begin with the letter "T"

    Notes: This option is only available for alphanumeric fields (not numbers or dates)

  3. Value - The Value drop-down will be populated with options that relate to the Field Name that you have selected. For example: If you choose "Patient_Demographics.Age | Equal To" then the Value drop-down will be populated with a sampling of patient ages that are currently displayed in the report. This feature is especially helpful because it shows you the format of a field so you can properly enter a filter condition. For example, by viewing the drop-down value options for a name field, you would know to enter "John Doe" or "Doe, John". You can also always type in your own entries in the Value field. The drop-down options are just examples pulled from the top 50 records in the report.


You can set more than one filter at a time in the Select Expert. In this case, after entering your first rule you will then click the green + symbol at the right to add a second rule.


You may add as many rules as you choose. All rules will be enforced (an AND condition) so that a record will only be displayed if all conditions are met. You can also delete a rule by clicking the red minus symbol to the right.


Example: Maybe you would like to display results for all patients that are 21 or older AND live in "Baker" county. You would enter your filter criteria as shown below:


The magnifying glass will expand the bottom part of the screen.  This will display the filters automatically embedded in the original stock form. 
