Personal Reports
The Personal Reports are available from the Reporting Menu on the top of the Main Form. They provide versions of existing reports that will only display data for the currently logged in staff member.
My Patient Contacts
A personal version of the Clinician Reports.
My Paperwork Status
A personal version of the Compliance Report.
My Insurance Authorizations
A personal version of the Insurance Authorization Report.
My Missing Progress Notes
A personal version of the Missing/Unsigned Progress Note Report.
My Patients Without Active Treatment Plans
A personal version of the Patients Without Active Treatment Plans.
My Missed Appointments Report
A personal version of the Missed Appointments Report.
My Unsigned Paperwork
A personal version of the Unsigned Paperwork Report.
My Kept Appointments Without Patient Signature
A personal version of the Appointment Patient Signature Report.
My Non-Kept Appointments With Patient Signature
A personal version of the Appointment Patient Signature Report.
My Not Recently Seen Patients
A personal version of the Patients Not Recently Seen Report. There are three options to select from:
Last Appointment - Show patients who meet the stated criteria where the current user is the clinician or supervisor from the patient's last kept appointment.
Follow-up Clinician - Show patients who meet the stated criteria where the current user is recorded as the Follow-up Clinician on the patient's Demographics record.
Both - Show patients who meet the stated criteria where the current user is either the clinician or supervisor from the patient's last kept appointment, or is recorded as the Follow-up Clinician on the patient's Demographics record.
My Patient Demographics
A personal version of the Demographic Information Report. Displays all patients for whom you are listed as the clinician for an appointment.
My POS Demographics
A personal version of the Demographic Information Report. Displays all patients whose Primary Place of Service noted on their Intake Record is a building you have permission to access.
My Appointments with Med History
A personal version of the Clinician Appointments with Med History Report.
My Appointments by Location, Service
A personal version of the Appointments by Clinician, Location, Service Report.
My Staff Based Activity
A personal version of the Staff Based Activity Report.
My Case Reviews
A personal version of the Case Review Report.
My Staff Assignments
A personal version of the Staff Assignments Report, grouped by Patient, displaying any patient for whom you are an assigned staff member.
My Treatment Plan Signature Requests
A personal version of the Treatment Plan Signature Requests Report.
My Treatment Plan Status
A personal version of the Treatment Plan Status Report.
My Open Claims
A listing of open claims, including charges and payments where the current staff member is the billing doctor (Note: BillingTracker Customers Only)
My Collected Payments
A listing of collected payments made towards claims where the current staff member is the billing doctor (Note: BillingTracker Customers Only)