The Toolbar


At the top of all reports you will see this toolbar:


From left to right, here is what the icons do.


  1. Close the current report tab (only enabled when multiple tabs are displayed).
  2. Print the report to the default printer.
  3. Export the report to a variety of formats (best results are obtained by exporting to PDF or Rich-Text format).
  4. Refresh report data.
  5. Show/Hide Group Tree on left side.
  6. Modify zoom.
  7. Move to the first page.
  8. Move to the previous page.
  9. Move to a specific page by entering a number and hitting the enter key.
  10. Move to the next page.
  11. Move to the last page.
  12. Stop loading report data.
  13. Select Expert.
  14. Search Expert.
  15. Find Text.