Maintenance Menu
Utilities -> Maintenance
Before you can use ClinicTracker for daily operations, you have to tell the program about your clinic -- from staff names, programs, services and billing codes to room locations and hours of operation. The information you enter populates the many drop-down boxes throughout ClinicTracker.
After accessing the Maintenance Menu, you can open an individual sub-item by double-clicking on it and entering the appropriate value. The video below illustrates the process:
Maintenance Item | Description |
Applicable Options Settings |
Adherence Technique Input | Technique used to encourage adherence to treatment. | Admin tab -> Integrated Credit Card Processing option must be enabled. |
Appointment Status | Status of an appointment (e.g. cancelled). |
Building/Billing Location Input | Names of your office buildings. | |
CD Assessment Information: Additional Recommendations | A list of additional recommendations you may make for new patients. | |
CD Assessment Information: External Services | A list of the external services you may assign new patients to. | |
CD Assessment Information: Internal Services | A list of the internal services you may assign new patients to. | |
CD Discharge Plan Recommendations | Discharge Recommendations for the Patient | |
CD Substance Frequency of Use | Frequency of use of a substance (e.g. daily, weekly, etc.) | |
CD Substance Route of Administration | Route of administration of a substance (e.g. inhalation, injection, etc.) | |
Citizenship Status | This allows for the creation of a list of citizenship statuses that can be linked to the demographics of a patient | |
Client Characteristics | This allows to create a custom list of client characteristics that can be selected from when completing the intake information. This field has been used for such purposes as recording sexual abuse characteristics in a sexual abuse program (e.g. Victim, Offender, etc.) but can be utilized for any custom needs. | |
Clinical Decision Support | Configure decision support rules for problems, medications, allergies, and labs. | |
Clinical Knowledgebase Setup | ClinicTracker can also function as an online research library. This area of the program will allow you to enter a problem description, and then populate sections for Current Clinic Protocol, Clinical Practice Guidelines, and Latest Research. Your clinical staf will be able to refer to this information when needed. | |
Clinical Service (DAP Note) Input | The clinical services provided during a session. | |
Collateral Input | These are non-appointment activities a clinician performs that you wish to track. Typical items for this menu include: Phone Call, Consultation, and Legal Activities. | |
Common Phrases | Global Common Phrases for use throughout the system. | |
Credential Input | Staff credential types, such as Ph.D., msw, etc. This form can also be used to link Qualification Types to a given Credential. | |
Credit Card Merchant | Enter your TransFirst Account information to be used for Integrated Credit Card Processing. | Admin tab -> Integrated Credit Card Processing option must be enabled. |
Diagnosis Type Input | This is used to record the type of diagnosis assigned to the patient, for example SPMI (Seriously and Persistently Mentally Ill) or SED (Seriously Emotionally Disturbed). | |
Direct Exchange Address Book | Users you communicate with using Direct Exchange secure messaging. | |
Discharge Criteria Input | Expected Discharge Criteria | |
Discharge Educational Services | This allows the creation of a list of treatment services that can be offered at the time of discharge. | |
Discharge Reason Input |
The reason a patient was discharged. |
Discharge Treatment Services | This allows the creation of a list of treatment services that can be offered at the time of discharge. | |
Disposition Input | The disposition lists the various options an intake clinician has for directing a case past the initial appointment. The disposition may be that the case is 'Referred Out' or sent to a subspecialty program. | |
Document Library | This is a place to store files that you want your staff to have access to. You can select the type of document, enter a description, and locate the file using the locate icon. You can also scan a document in from an attached scanner by clicking the scan icon. | |
DSM-5 Entry | The diagnoses you may assign to patients. | |
Dynamic Compliance Configuration | Configure Dynamic Compliance Rules. | |
Dynamic Compliance Groups | Configure different groups to use in Dynamic Compliance rules. | |
Dynamic Compliance Staff Groups | Configure groups of staff to assign Dynamic Compliance rules to. | |
Employer Input | A list of frequent employers. | |
Family Composition | Describes how a patient was raised. An additional field lets you indicate the gender of the head of household. | |
Foster Home Cerification Authority Input | Certification Authorities for Foster Homes. | |
Foster Home Placement Activity Input | Placement Activities for Foster Children. | |
Foster Home Reimbursement Rate Input | Reimbursement rates for foster home placements. | |
General Patient Note | A Patient Note to display for all patients. | |
Goal Input | Main therapy goals. You also have the ability to link a goal to previously entered objectives. | |
Heard About Us From | How did the patient hear about your clinic? | |
Insurance Authorization Package Input | Configure Insurance Authorization Packages to ease data entry requirements. | |
Insurance Authorization Package Master Input | Configure Groups of Insurance Authorization Packages to ease data entry requirements. | |
Insurance Input | Names of insurance companies and their type (Private, Public, Self). | |
Intake Service Input | This is similar to a service; however, some clinics offer different services for a patient's first visit. This allows for entry of those initial services. | |
Lab Test Input | Lab tests that may be ordered, along with LOINC Code. | |
Measurement Input | Various ways you will measure improvement. | |
Medication Type Input | Type of medications prescribed. | |
Medicine Input | Medications that you prescribe at your clinic. | |
Modality Input | Treatment modalities or interventions. | |
Mood/Affect Input | Descriptions of patients mood/affect. | |
Motor Behavior Input | Descriptions of patient motor/behavior. | |
Objective Input | Therapy Objectives. You also have the ability to link an objective to previously entered modalities. | |
Outside Provider Input: Lab | The name and location information for the Outside Providers listed on the Intake/Patient Info form. | |
Outside Provider Input: Mental Health Provider | The name and location information for the Outside Providers listed on the Intake/Patient Info form. | |
Outside Provider Input: Pediatrician/Primary Care Physician | The name and location information for the Outside Providers listed on the Intake/Patient Info form. | |
Outside Provider Input: Pharmacy | The name and location information for the Outside Providers listed on the Intake/Patient Info form. | |
Outside Provider Input: Radiology | The name and location information for the Outside Providers listed on the Intake/Patient Info form. | |
Patient Group Input | The Patient Group designation is a way of dividing your clinic roster into groups based on shared characteristics. | |
Patient Note Type Input | Category for a Patient Note. | |
Perception Input | Description of Patient Perceptions. | |
Practitioner Type (Non-Qualified) Input | Non-Qualified Practitioner Types (Credentials). | |
Practitioner Type (Qualified) Input | Qualified Practitioner Types (Credentials). | |
Problem Domain Input (CD) | General clinical problems being addressed. You also have the ability to link a problem domain to previously entered goals. | |
Problem Domain Input (MH) | General clinical problems being addressed. You also have the ability to link a problem domain to previously entered goals. | |
Program Input | ClinicTracker allows you to associate patients with specific programs in your clinic. | |
Psych Test Input | Psychologican tests that administered in your clinic. | |
Psychotherapy Type Input | Psychotherapy types offered at your clinic. | |
Qualification Input | Type of staff qualification (e.g. 2-year degrees, 3-year degree, etc.) | |
Radiology Test Input | Radiology tests that may be ordered, along with LOINC Code. | |
Referral Reason | Reasons patients are referred to your clinic. | |
Referral Service | Services that patients may be referred for. | |
Referral Source | Patient referral sources. | |
Related Document Category Input | Category for documents stored in Related Documents module. | |
Relationship Type (External Contacts) | Relationship Type for external contacts. | |
Relationship Type (Family) | Relationship Type for family health history. | |
ROI: Default Notes | Configure default text to insert into the Authorization Notes section. | |
ROI: Default Notes (Tab 2) | Configure default text to insert into a second tab of the Authorization Notes section. | |
ROI: Purpose of Authorization | The purpose of granting access to information for a consent form. | |
ROI: Statement to Initial (Tab 2) | Configure a statement requiring the patient to initial on the second tab of the Authorization form. | |
ROI: Type of Information | Types of information that could be included with a consent to release information. | |
Room Input | The rooms in your buildings. You enter a room number and optional description, and link it to a previously entered building. | |
Safety and Planning Issues | The interventions warranted for safety and planning purposes which can be noted on a Treatment Plan. | |
Schedule Event Type Input | Description of events you will schedule for, (e.g. Initial Mental Health Evaluation). | |
Scheduling Group Collection Input | This allows you to associate multiple Scheduling Groups with a single Collection for easier data entry. | |
School Input | Commonly entered school names. | |
Service Category | This is a way to define groups of services that are often authorized together. | |
Service Input | All services your clinic provides. This can be a diagnostic consultation, therapy session, etc. | |
Service With Add-On Codes | Group together a service with associated add-on codes. | |
Sexual Orientation | Configuration options for the patient's sexual orientation. | |
Speech Input | These are descriptions of a patient's speech that appear on many of the paperwork forms. | |
Staff Assignment Type Input | A list of types of staff that may be involved in a treatment team (e.g. therapist, psychiatrist, community support, etc.) | |
Staff Based Values Input | Configure the display of the Staff Based Activity Module. For more information, see the section on Staff Based Activity, Configuring the form. | |
Staff Log Type Input | A list of note types for associating with Staff Activity Logs. | |
Staff Related Document Category Input | Category for staff documents stored in the Related Documents module. | |
Staff Unassigned Reason Input | A list of reasons why a staff member may be unassigned from a case (e.g. Conflict with patient, incompatible schedules, etc.) | |
Strength Input | Strengths of the patient. | |
Substance Input | Alcohol and drugs with which a client may have substance abuse issues. | |
Symptom Input | Symptom noted, specifically in relationship to prescribed medications. | |
Therapy Type Input | These are types of therapy that your clinic provides. | |
Thought Content Input | Patient thought content description. | |
Thought Process Input | Patient thought process description. | |
Tribe Input | A list of Native American Tribes | |
Washington GCBH Config | A configuration form for the Washington State GCBH integration. | |
Weakness Input | Weaknesses of the patient. |