Configuring Custom Labels

Admin Config -> Custom Labels


With ClinicTracker, you can change many of the field labels on forms to fit your preferences. For example, you might choose to change the name of a form from "Consultation Summary" to "Intake Assessment."


To create custom labels, log in as an administrator and go to Help -> About -> Admin Config -> Custom Labels. You will see a  list of forms and field names that you can modify. To change a default label, simply enter a new term in the corresponding text box. Hit Apply or OK to save your changes.



You may need to log out of ClinicTracker and sign back in for custom label changes to take effect.


Here are the details:

Go to: Admin Config -> Custom Labels:



Here you can customize certain default names of forms and fields. You can choose from options on the Forms tab, Fields tab, Fields (2) tab, Treatment Plan tab and Progress Notes tab, as you can see below: 








Note: The Treatment History list will show the abbreviation configured on the Progress Notes tab.
