Configuring Template Headers

Admin Config -> Import Template Headers


You have several options for adding headers to your paperwork output. You can leave the templates as is with no header, adjust the templates so they fit on a preprinted letterhead, modify the templates directly, or dynamically insert a specified image when the document is created. All template files are stored in a Templates subfolder of the main server directory. It is recommended to make a backup copy before making modifications to a template.


Leave Templates As Is

The template files will be installed with no header. If you prefer to print out just the data with no header, you don’t have to modify the template files at all.


Adjust for Preprinted Letterhead

If you have paper preprinted with your letterhead, you may simply want to adjust the template files to start low enough to print below the graphic. In order to do this, open each file in the Templates folder. Simply place the cursor at the beginning of the document and add new lines before the title with sufficient space for your letterhead. Save and close the document.


Modify the Template Headers Directly

If you wish, you can modify the templates directly by opening the files and inserting your header into each document. Save and close the file when you are done.


Dynamically Inserting Images at Time of Printing

The most sophisticated and flexible method of dealing with template headers involves importing image files into ClinicTracker and having the program automatically insert the image when the document is created. This saves you work by requiring the creation of only one image file that can be distributed automatically across all template files. It allows you to easily make modifications to the header without modifying each document individually, and it also allows you to have multiple header options.


To utilize this feature, you must first create the header image. The image must be a .bmp file type and it is recommended that the image size be 1012 x 285 pixels with a resolution of 150 dpi. The image can be created in any graphics program. One of the simplest ways to create the image is to configure a Word document how you want, then make a print screen, copy the image into a graphics program, and adjust the file appropriately. Better results may be obtained by using high-resolution graphics images manipulated in a program like Adobe Photoshop. Note: If the image is too short in width it may result in a distorted template header.


Once the file is created, it needs to be imported into ClinicTracker. First go to the About Form by choosing Help -> About ClinicTracker from the Main Screen, then Admin Configu -> Import Template Headers.


Enter a description for the header, then locate the file you created by clicking the eye icon and navigating through the file dialogue. You may add comments to describe the header. Once you click save, ClinicTracker will inform you that the image is being copied to the network folder so it can be managed.


Unless the image already exists there, the file will be copied to the TemplatesHeaders subfolder of the main network directory.


If you only have one header for your clinic, you are all done. From now on, when you go to print or export a document, your header image will be inserted at the top of each file. If you use more than one header, repeat this process to import additional header files.



If multiple header files are imported, you will be prompted to select a specific file when you print or export a document.

