Changing the Authorization or Revision Number


ClinicTracker makes it easy to update the Authorization Code or Revision Number for your claims. This feature is especially helpful if you enter a placeholder value, such as "Pending" as an Authorization Code while waiting for the insurer to approve the authorization. When you update the information to a valid value, you will be asked if you want to automatically update any Appointments or claims that have already been associated with the Authorization. 


As an example, we will update this Authorization from 123 to 456:


Enter the updated Authorization Code to 456 and click on Save:


When you click on Save, you will be presented with a message asking you if you would like to update any appointments/claims. Clicking "Yes" will cause the authorization number to be updated on associated appointments and claims. Clicking "No"  will cause any associated appointments and claims to maintain the previously entered authorization number. 

