Patient Information

Patient -> Patient Dashboard


The Dashboard contains the following sections:





1. Client Information


Patient name, Gender, DOB, SSN, Race


2. Contact Information


Address, Phone, Email


3. Client Info: Basic Information


Information about the client’s intake (status, type, date entered, patient group, etc.)


4. Client Info: Active Staff Assignments


Displays enhanced caseload tracking information from the Demographics record. A View Details button will display the underlying data and allow you to make changes to the staff assignments.


5. Client Info: Active Program Assignments


Displays program assignment information from the Demographics record. A View Details button will display the underlying data and allow you to make changes to the program assignments.


6. Client Info: Appointment Diagnoses Within Range


Displays Axis I and II diagnosis recorded for appointments within the selected date range. 


7. Client Info: Active Scheduling Groups Displays Scheduling Group assignment information from the Demographics record. A View Details button will display the underlying data and allow you to make changes to the Scheduling Group assignments.

1. Session Info: Patient Contacts Within Range


Displays Patient Contacts (appointments and collaterals) within the selected date range. A View Details button will navigate to Patient Contacts for the selected patient.


2. Session Info: Scheduled Events Within Range


Displays events scheduled for the patient within the selected date range. A View Details button will open the schedule and load the selected patient. You will be able to print a list of scheduled events by right-clicking on an event -> View Scheduled Event Lising. You will be able to click on the printer icon to print the list of scheduled events. 



1. Insurance Info


Displays patient’s insurers, balance assignments, reduced fee eligibility, and credit balance. You also have the option to collect a patient copay from this tab (accessible to those with BillingTracker access only).


2. Insurance Info: Active Authorizations and Remaining Info


Displays active authorizations as well as the remaining number of sessions, hours, days, or claims left on the authorization. A View Details button will navigate to the Authorization module.



Compliance Info


Displays open compliance items (items scheduled but not completed). A View Details button will navigate to the compliance module for the selected patient.



1. Patient Summary Info: Active Problems


Displays items in the patient’s active problem list from the Patient Summary form. A View Details button will navigate to the Problem tab of the Patient Summary form for the selected patient.


2. Patient Summary Info: Active Allergies


Displays items in the patient’s active allergy list from the Patient Summary form. A View Details button will navigate to the Allergies tab of the Patient Summary form for the selected patient.


3. Patient Summary Info: Active Medications


Displays items in the patient’s active medication list from the Patient Summary form. A View Details button will navigate to the Medication tab of the Patient Summary form for the selected patient.



Vitals: Height / Weight


Displays height and weight information as entered in the Vital Tracking module. The left side of the form shows the data in a chart format and the right side shows the data graphically.


Buttons underneath the chart data will allow you to display the information in report form or to view the chart for printing/saving. The View Details button will bring you directly to the Vital Tracking module.


1. Immunization History Displays immunization history as entered in Medical -> Immunizations
2. Computerized Provider Order Entry Displays lab/radiology order history as entered in Medical -> Lab/Radiology Order Entry
3. Patient-Specific Education Resources Displays education resource history as entered in Medical -> Patient Education Resources


Additional Buttons

Additional buttons on the bottom of the form will allow you to navigate to various parts of the patient’s chart while leaving the Patient Dashboard form open.
