Installing ClinicTracker Version 8

Workstation (Client) Installation

These instructions will walk you through the process of installing ClinicTracker version 8 on an individual workstation. Don't be concerned about the number of steps we list below. If your computer already has the necessary components (also called "prerequisites"), it should take only about a minute to install the new version of ClinicTracker. The reason these instructions are somewhat lengthy is that we include steps for you to follow in case your computer needs new components. Even so, installation should take under 7-10 minutes to complete.


ClinicTracker support will have already placed the installation files you need on your server. You should also have received instructions on how to access them. You will need an administrative account on your domain or be set as a local administrator on the computer you are working on to begin installing the program.


Begin the installation by running ClinicTrackerInstallerBootstrap.exe file. You can do so by right-clicking the file and choosing the "Run as Administrator" option.


If you double-clicked on the ClinicTrackerInstallerBootstrap file (rather than using the Run as Administrator option) you might get this message. In that case, just press "OK" and then close the installation screen and try again.


If you get a message about the .NET 3.5 framework not being available on a terminal server, please follow the instructions to install that feature through Windows Server Manager. This process may require you to mount the Windows installation image and then reference <DriveLetter>:\sources\sxs as an alternate installation path.


Once the Installation Bootstrap begins, you will see a screen that looks like this:


Use the image above as a reference for the following steps


  1. Set Installation Path
    1. This path represents the location on your computer where ClinicTracker will be installed.
    2. You can leave the default (C:\Program Files (x86)\ClinicTrackerConnect) or enter any other path.
    3. If the path you select is not currently on your computer, the installer program will create it for you. 
  2. Install ClinicTracker and any missing prerequisites
    1. Begin the process by clicking this link, which starts the main part of the installation. It will first check if certain prerequisites are available on your computer. If they are, the process will skip over them and proceed with the installation. If not, you will be prompted to install them.
    2. The first prerequisite is for the .NET Runtime. This is a set of files provided by Microsoft that allow applications to run and use common features such as printer dialogues, file operations, etc. ClinicTracker relies on the Microsoft .NET framework (version 4.6.0) which supports operating systems. listed below You need to be using one of these operating system versions in order to install ClinicTracker. This framework comes preinstalled on Windows 10 or can be installed manually on any of the other listed operating systems:
      1. Windows Vista SP2
      2. Windows 7 SP1
      3. Windows 8
      4. Windows 8.1
      5. Windows 10
      6. Windows Server 2008 SP2
      7. Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1
      8. Windows Server 2012
      9. Windows Server 2012 R2
      10. Windows Server 2016
    3. Once you begin the installation, if this prerequisite is required and not present, the file will first download from the vendor's website and then install itself. 
      1. Depending on your system configuration, you might need to reboot the computer. If so, let your system reboot, then restart the installation.
        If you receive any errors during this process, you can click the link: "Trouble Installing .NET Runtime?" Doing so will navigate you to the Microsoft site where you can download and install the .NET runtime directly. Manually following this process can often uncover the source of the problem. One possibility is that your system administrator prevented access to the internet or restricted your ability to download files.
        You should see a Download button on the Microsoft website:

        Click the download button and, when you can, run the installer and follow the on-screen prompts.

      2. The next element your computer needs is for Crystal Reports, a set of files that allow ClinicTracker to display, print, and export reports. You are unlikely to have these files available on your computer unless you have previously installed an application that relies on Crystal Reports. You will therefore likely receive another prompt during this step asking you to accept the SAP license agreement (the company that provides Crystal Reports).

      3. Click through to complete the installation. A reboot is generally not required after this step.
        If you receive any errors during this process, you can click the link: "Trouble Installing Crystal Reports?" It will navigate you to the SAP website where you can download and install the runtime directly. Your download should begin automatically. You will be notified to manually run the file once the download completes.

        Once the installation of the Crystal Reports runtime is complete, you can proceed to the next step. check formatting

      4. Once the prerequisites are present, the Setup Wizard window will appear so you can begin installing ClinicTracker itself:
        1. Click "Next."
        2. Select Installation Folder. You can leave this set to the default and click "Next."
        3. Click "Next" again to start the installation.
        4. You will receive a window reading “Installation Complete."Click "Close."
  3. Install dependencies to support additional features
    1. Click Integrated FTP
      1. A window will appear with Microsoft Visual C++ across the top.
      2. Place a check next to “I agree to the license terms and conditions”
      3. Click "Install."
      4. You might receive a message saying "Setup Failed." It just means that the software already exists on your system. Just click "Close."
    2. Click Embedded Web Browser
      1. A window will appear that indicates it is downloading/installing Microosft Edge Webview2 Runtime

      2. When the installation completes, the window will disappear, without any confirmation
  4. Connect to SQL Server
    1. If a previous version of ClinicTracker was already installed on this machine, this option will be highlighted by default and will make upgrading easier.
    2. Enter the SQL Server Instance Name – This is for new installs or when a previous version is present but cannot be detected. The format is ServerName\InstanceName (e.g. MyDatabaseServer\MyInstance).
      1. You will notice that this defaults to: ServerName\InstanceName. You can adjust how the default value displays by using the DefaultInstallation.xml file in the directory where your installation files reside. If you right-click on that file and select ‘Edit’, you will see where the default of ServerName\InstanceName can be replaced. This can help avoid each installing user from having to manually enter the database connection information.
    3. Once you have entered the correct information, click "Verify Connection"
    4. You will be notified of Connection Success. Click ‘OK’
    5. Click "Save Settings" and then "OK."
  5. AutoUpdate Service (Keeps ClinicTracker up to date automatically)
    1. Click "Yes" when asked to continue in the confirmation window.
    2. Click "Yes" in the second window to install with pre-configured default settings.
    3. You will get a message with the AutoUpdate Service has successfully installed and started. Click "OK"
    4. If you get any other message, it means that your system was not configured with the correct permissions to install a task under the ClinicTracker Service Account created by your network administrators. Please contact ClinicTracker support for assistance.

Final Steps

  1. Click 'Close Installer'
    1. This should detect that ClinicTracker was installed. You will receive a window asking ‘Would you like to start ClinicTracker?’ Choose 'Yes'.
  2. If this is the first time you're installing ClinicTracker on this computer, you will see a window that asks you to Set Database Information.

    1. Enter a Name and Description
    2. Set the Path where you installed the database
    3. As long as the Path is set correctly, the Server and Database fields below will auto-populate. If the path is incorrect they will read "INVALID."
    4. Click "OK."
  3. You will now be able to run ClinicTracker. Log in with the username and password the system administrators provided you.