Text Templates


Text Templates allow you to preload canned statements for any text area in the system. For example, if you had a "presenting problems" field, you could pre-store phrases (specific to that field) for "Patient presented with mild anxiety symptoms." and then add that phrase by simply checking a box that says "Mild Anxiety."

Access this feature by pressing Shift+Escape on your keyboard when you have your cursor in the text field. This will display the available text templates. Administrative users can use this same location to configure the available phrases. Please note that if there are no text templates configured, a staff member will not be able to open the template form. However, if an administrative user clicks on the Shift+Escape key, they will be presented with a form to configure the template. 


Let's take a look at how the feature works. For our example let's use the Free Form Progress note. Before we can begin using the text templates, we will need to configure one. 



A staff member will not be able to use the text template feature if there is not one already configured (as explained above). If you are an administrative user and there are no current text templates available, you will receive this message:



You will choose Yes and the Text Template box will open. You will choose Configure (note that only administrative users will have a "Configure" button available):




Here you can configure your template:

  1. Associate with Category: You can choose to associate the template with a category. This makes organizing and finding templates easier and quicker to access. 
  2. Add Category: Here you can add your own category.
  3. Rename Category: Click this button if you would like to rename a category.
  4. Delete Category: Click this button to delete a category.
  5. Display Name: The name that you choose to call your text template.
  6. Text Template: The text that shows here is what will be displayed on your form. 
  7. Save: 
  8. New: 
  9. Delete: 
  10. Template Display Name: A list of all your templates. 



Now the text template is ready for a staff member to use. Let's continue with this example. A staff member will open the Free Form Progress Note and press the Shift + Esc key while their cursor is in the text box:



The text template form will open with the template that we just created above. You will click on the template you wish to use (there will be a list of templates if more than one is created) and then you will click on Accept. You will notice that there is no "Configure" button on the bottom of the Text Template form when the user is not an administrative user. 



You will see that the template you chose, will preload into the progress note:





