Creating eForms

Admin Config -> eForms.


If you are licensed to use the eForms module, this option will show for administrative users by going to Help-> About -> Admin Configuration -> eForms.


ClinicTracker offers a sophisticated method for creating template documents that allows you to receive client input and then accept a client signature using a signature tablet. When you first enter the form, you will be shown a list of all existing eForms. To edit an existing item, select it from the list and click the Next button. To create a new form, select CREATE NEW DOCUMENT and press the Next button.


The next screen that displays allows you to give the document a name and description, or enable/disable the eForm. Set these values as desired and click the Next button.


The next screen allows you to configure the content of the document.


You can type directly into the large text area, or copy and paste from another text editor such as Microsoft Word. Any text you type in the box will become part of the standard text that displays in the document.

If you want to prompt the user to input information (e.g. a spot for the client to enter their comments), you can use the Prompt User for Input section on the bottom of the form. With the cursor at the insertion point of the document, enter a name (e.g. “Comments”) and a description to display to the client (e.g. “Enter your comments:”).


You can also add the display text, which is what will be displayed on the output, just before the client’s entry.


If you want to set a default value (such as name or date of birth) select it from the Default Value drop-down menu, otherwise select “-None-”. When you click the Add Prompt button, it will add the necessary codes into the insertion point of the document.


These codes can be formatted just like any other text. However, make sure you do not edit the actual value of the codes. When a client is shown this document for signing, they will be prompted to enter a value for each prompt.


Once you are satisfied with your document, you can click the Save Form button to save your changes. Clicking the Preview button will show you exactly what would be displayed to a client who was signing a document.



Once an eForm has been signed by a client, it can no longer be modified. This is why the Preview function is useful. If you do need to make changes to an existing eForm that is already in use, you will need to disable the current eForm and recreate it as a new eForm with the desired changes.

