Scheduling/Treatment Groups


Utilities -> Scheduling Group Setup


ClinicTracker lets you constitute groups of clients with shared appointments. You can use them to:

  1. Schedule appointments or write notes for an entire group rather than for each member individually. 
  2. Configure a maximum group size to limit how many patients you can add to the group.
  3. Create a list of patients who are waiting to join a group.
  4. Easily switch patients between the active and wait list.


You simply create the Scheduling Group Name and indicate which clients are included. You can do this by going to: Utilities -> Scheduling Group Setup.



Field Name Description
1. Scheduling Group Name Name of the Scheduling Group.

2. Enabled/Disabled

Enable or Disable this Scheduling Group.
3. Group Collection The Scheduling Group Collection allows you to associate multiple Scheduling Groups with a single Collection for easier data entry.
4. Description Description of the group, such as "Social Skill's Group".
5. Start Date/End Date The start and end dates for the group as a whole (not individual members).
6. Max Group Size Maximum number of patients allowed in group.
7. Patients in Group Use the “plus” icon to add patients to the group and the "X" icon to delete patients from the group.
8. Wait List List of patients waiting to join a group.
9. Left and right arrow keys Easily switch patients between the active and wait lists using the arrows.
10. Save, New, Clone You can save a Scheduling Group setup, Create a new Scheduling Group Setup, or Clone an existing form setup.
11. Scheduling Groups Displays existing groups
12. Show Disabled Check this box if you would like to show disabled Scheduling Group Setups.



If you attempt to enter a new patient into the group after it has reached its total number of participants (as configured in #6 above), the system will present this message:


  1. Choosing Yes will add the patient to the group
  2. Choosing No will add the patient to the Wait list
  3. Choosing Cancel will cancel the operation


After configuring your scheduling group, you can go to Patients -> Record Group Appointments -> select your group (for our example, we used Dog and Cat Therapy) -> you will see that your patients are pre-loaded on the group appointment:


Please see the topics below for additional information on Group Appointments:

