Configuring the Form

Utilities -> Maintenance -> Staff Based Values Input


The contents of this form are set up through the Maintenance Menu, Staff Based Values Input. That form looks like this:


  1. The first box lists the available tabs in the Activity Tracking Section.
  2. The second box gives options for Checkbox or Dropdown.

    The Checkbox section relates to the items in the first column in the sample screenshot on the following page, while Dropdown refers to the second column of drop-down items that clarify the checkbox item selected. The Dropdown items appear in the drop-down box next to each checkbox item in a given tab. For instance the Checkbox items for Training could be the Training Agency while the Dropdown items could be the Training Topic.


To add a new item, click the section you want and the input type (Checkbox or Dropdown). Then click ADD NEW ITEM in the third list, enter the item in the Label box, and hit the Save button. To modify an existing item, select the item from the third list, make changes in the Label box and hit Save. To disable an existing item, select the item in the third list, toggle the status to disabled, and press the Save button.


You can also disable an entire category by highlighting the item in the left-most list, right-clicking, and choosing Disable Category. If a category is disabled, its corresponding tab will not be displayed on the Staff Based Activity module. To re-enabled a category, right-click on it and choose Enabled Category.



Disabled items will be displayed with an asterisk (*) to the left of the label.


You can change the caption of a section by:

  1. Highlighting the item in the left-most list, right-clicking and
  2. Choosing Update Category Name.


To reset the caption, choose Reset Default Category Name from the popup menu.

