Entering a New Patient/Intake


  1. Click the Add Patient button  at the top of your My Patients widget

  2. Complete the appropriate fields on the Demographic Tab

    1. The fields with bold red labels are required fields
    2. To use the Update City/State/County feature, enter a zip code, then press the checkmark button  next to the ZIP field
  3. Click the Intake tab and complete the appropriate fields

    1. Use the  Type field  to specify that this client is an Intake or Patient
      1. Intake: Someone who has called to request information about your clinic or wants to be considered for service
      2. Patient: This designation indicates that he or she has been formally admitted
    2. Use the Module selector  to indicate which paperwork and compliance modules that will be accessible for this patient
    3. If this client is set to Type = Patient (step A.), enter a Date Admitted 
      1. Depending on your Compliance Settings, the Date Admitted will begin the patient's compliance record
    4. Depending on the Patient Access Permissions you've granted to each Staff Member (Staff -> Staff Info -> Additional Options), the Patient Group  , Additional Patient Groups  , and Primary POS  selected may dictate who has access to this patient's record 
  4. Navigate to Outside Providers/Contacts and complete the appropriate fields

    1. Use the Load from Master Pharmacy List button  to search the Pharmacy Master Listing for the Patient's specific pharmacy
    2. Use the External Contacts module   to add people that will attend treatment sessions with the client, but who are not actually patients in your clinic
  5. Click the Insurance tab and complete the necessary fields

    1. Use the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary tabs to record insurance information for up to three payors 
    2. Specify the patient's relationship to the insured, enter the address information if the insured is not the patient or spouse 
    3. If the insured is not the patient, enter the Insured's DOB 
    4. The Last Qualification and Next Re-qualification dates are used to track the dates when the patient last presented their insurance card, and when he or she will be required to show his or her insurance card again 
    5. Specify the Individual and Group Copay amounts  , these values will be used when splitting the claim balances between the patient and the insurer
    6. If the patient pays a different copay amount for each service, use the Service Specific Fees button  to configure the copay amount for individual services
    7. If your clinic has enabled the Insurance Eligibility Verification feature, use the Verification button  to check the patient's eligibility
  6. Click the Financial tab and enter the appropriate fields

    1. If the client is not the person responsible for paying his or her portion of the bill, enter the Responsible Party information 
    2. If your agency has designated this client as Non-Billable, check the box labeled Not Billable for Any Services , none of the patient's appointments will be transferred for billing if this option is selected
    3. If your agency utilizes reduced fee schedules, enter the client's gross income and family size  to determine if the client qualifies, if so, you can place a check mark next to Reduced Fee Eligible , clients with this option enabled will be billed at the rate specified in the Reduced Fee Schedule module
    4. Press the View/Update Insurance Authorizations button  to access the Insurance Authorizations module
  7. Click the Info Release tab to enter any Release of Information 

