Tips for Building Better Formulas 

Our team has shared their tips for building better formulas.

Visibility Formula Tips

  • If child show field, if adult hide field
  • If checkbox is selected show field, if not hide field
  • If ‘other’ is selected in a list box, show more details text box, otherwise hide the more details text box
  • If dropdown ‘x’ show field, otherwise hide field
  • If rating scale score is over x then display navigation link

Color Formula Tips

  • If a date is past color the field in red, otherwise green

Required Formula Tips

  • If ‘other’ is selected in a list box, make the more details text box required
  • If ‘x’ is selected in a dropdown, make the next field required

Data Formula Tips

  • If the dropdown is equal to ‘x’, then display ‘1’
  • Calculate rating scale totals using +
  • Convert text data to numeric
  • Create a narrative that combines multiple fields from your form into a narrative paragraph
  • Calculate the number of days from the current day
More About Forms

Getting Started With Form Builder

Using Form Builder - Intro and Practice

Managing Form Builder Settings

Form Building - Top Ten Tips

