Tips for Building Better Forms 

We’ve developed these tips by keeping the end-users in mind and to help you build forms that leverage all of the functionality of ClinicTracker.

#1 List Boxes are Better Than Dropdowns

Drop-downs take end-users at least two clicks, list boxes only one. Exception: You want to make a calculation/report group based on this field or when there are 10+ options because dropdowns allow for F2 Search.

#2 Use Data Sources and Formulas

Forms are completed faster, easier, and more accurately when you auto-fill fields using data sources and formulas. Exception: Your fields vary from record to record.

#3 Hide Fields The End User Doesn’t Need

Your end-users will thank you for building visually simple reports! It also makes it easier to onboard new end users. Exception: Don’t hide a field that is required or required for locking.

#4 Define Your Signature Types

Your workflows and auto-locking rules may depend on the signature type, so define them whenever you can. Exception: If you are building a Staff form and you don’t know who will be signing it and you know the field isn’t used for workflows or locking requirements.

#5 Tag Your Fields

If you tag your fields (especially signatures), you’ll be able to use the Custom Form Bulk Search to find tagged fields and lock or sign multiple records at one time. When this doesn’t work well: If you use the same tag on different signature type fields, like a Clinician signature field and a Supervisor signature field with the same tag.

#6 Enable Workflow Filtering on Fields

If this field may be used as a workflow criterion, you will need to enable it as a filter. For example, if the Entitlements dropdown is set to yes, then trigger a task to be due from the assigned Nurse. When it doesn’t work well: If we enable too many filters it can add clutter to the workflow builder and cause confusion as we build rules later.

#7 Set as Display In Records List

#8 Guide Users with Navigation Controls

Save your end-users from extra clicks. If users always complete Assessment A and then Assessment B, you can offer a link in Assessment A that will take them right to Assessment B. You can also make the Navigation links conditionally visible if Assessment B is only completed for minors. Be sure to label your navigation links clearly.

#9 Enable Your Form for Patient Portal

Must be enabled in Patient Portal to have the system automatically request from the client. You can also Enable Auto-Locking on Patient Portal Forms. You may need to generate a task based on the client submitting a form, like when a release of information is submitted from the client, the front office receives a task to review and request or send records.

#10 Require Signatures for Locking

A form can manually be marked as locked at any time as long as all fields required for save and required for locking have been entered. If a signature is required for locking, it must be marked as such.

#11 Hide Fields Efficiently

To hide calculation placeholders and only show a total score, use the Custom Formula Editor tab to build a formula that evaluates against a single variable. This is more efficient than referencing a complete case statement, allowing your form to load more efficiently on the Staff and Patient Portals.

More About Forms

Getting Started With Form Builder

Using Form Builder - Intro and Practice

Managing Form Builder Settings

Form Building - Top Ten Tips

