

  • Set Minimum Password Length: Set the minimum number of characters required in a Portal User's password.
  • Set Maximum Password Length: Set the maximum number of characters required in a Portal User's password.
  • Require Upper Case Letters: Check this box to require at least one upper case letter in a Portal User's password.
  • Require Lower Case Letters: Check this box to require at least one lower case letter in a Portal User's password.
  • Require Numbers: Check this box to require at least one number (0-9) in a Portal User's password.
  • Require Special Characters: Check this box to require at least one special characters in a Portal User's password.
  • Require Password Reset for New Portal Users: Check this box to prompt new Portal Users to create a new password on first login.
  • Hide Staff Last Name in Patient Portal: Check this box to only display Staff's First Name throughout the Patient Portal.

