MH & CD Compliance Rules


  • Auto-Fill Compliance Completion Dates
  • Prevent Creating Appointments When Overdue Treatment Plan: Should we prevent saving new appointments when there is an overdue Treatment Plan
  • Default to 'No Compliance': Default to 'No Compliance' for all patients on demographic records
  • Compliance - Limit to completing one task: When completing an action, the dialogue that asks the staff member to mark associated tasks complete will limit the user to selecting a single task.
  • Auto-Complete Workflow Tasks: If this option is selected, when completing an action that is associated with Workflow tasks, if there is exactly one matching task, mark it complete automatically, without any user interaction. The task selection form will be shown if this setting is disabled or the system can't determine a unique match.
  • Auto-Complete All Workflow Tasks: If this option is selected, when completing an action that is associated with Workflow tasks, if there are more than one matching tasks, mark them complete automatically, without any user interaction.
  • Workflow Task Assignment Processing Method: Real-Time: Workflow tasks are processed by ClinicTracker, as soon as triggered. This will ensure all workflows are processed quickly, and in-order, but will cause a small delay while the workflows are applied. Background: Workflow tasks are queued up and handled by a background progress. This can significantly improve the user-experience, as workflows will not be processed as soon as triggered, but there will be a longer delay (up to 5 minutes) before tasks show as being created. Parallel Thread (Preferred Option): Workflow tasks are processed as a separate thread from ClinicTracker. This is the preferred option, as workflows will be processed nearly real-time, but will not impact the user experience with a delay.

